August 22, 2010

Herrmann Hesse

Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne,
der uns beschützt und der uns hilft zu leben.
Wir sollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten,
an keinem wie an einer Heimat hängen,
der Weltgeist will nicht fesseln uns und engen,
er will uns Stuf' um Stufe heben, weiten!

A magic dwells in each beginning,
protecting us, telling us how to live.
High purposed we shall traverse realm on realm,
cleaving to none as to a home,
the world of spirit wishes not to fetter us
but raise us higher, step by step.

This is an excerpt from the Herrmann Hesse's poem "Stufen" (steps). Thinking of High German there are some authors that have mastered it to perfection. And as it is with exzellent authors of all languages, the work can hardly be translated without diminishing it's beauty. 

Besides the depth and wisdom of this poem I think it quite cute, that when you listen to the author reading it for you, you can hear in which region he grew up.

1 comment:

  1. Swabians will feel, with their cute hats and shoes, very amiably taken into account with this entry.
